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Satisfy your filter coffee cravings with this juicy Yirgacheffe Gotiti coffee. Enjoy the best of Ethiopian Natural coffee, highlights of quince, blackberry jam, and subtle hints of lemon create a refreshing brew, perfect for pour over, batch brew, Aero Press, or a chilled summer cold brew.
V60 Pour Over Brew Recipe
Located just south of Yirgacheffe, Gedeb is in the Gedeo Zone. This coffee is called “Yirgacheffe” because of its flavour profile, as coffees grown in this area are siblings to those grown in Yirgacheffe.
The Gedeb district is home to thousands of coffee-farming families producing some of the world’s most incredible coffees. Most farmers in the region farm on 1- 5 hectares size of backyard plot (many count their coffee farms in terms of trees rather than area). Cultivation methods remain traditional. Coffee is grown as part of an integrated ‘coffee garden’ and intercropped with other food crops. In addition to remaining traditionally intercropped, most farms are organic by default.
Ripe cherries are delivered to wet mills where they are floated for defects, graded, and then placed on raised African beds; coffee is shaded between 12-3 pm and frequently turned for steady drying until it reaches 11.5% in around 20- 30 days.
Yirgacheffe, Gedeb, Southern Ethiopia
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